Today, if you give proper nutrition to your bones, only then you will be able to strengthen it for tomorrow. Here we have been about those five foods which are harmful for your bone health.
Ladies, if your bones often fracture after injury, this is the right time when you should seriously consider your bone health. You may not have thought that there could be an underlying cause. Your bones may be crying for help, so do not ignore their call.

 We all know that calcium is important for bone health. Once women reach their mid-30s, they begin to lose their bone density. What does this actually mean? This is a clear indication that you should start working on your bone health now. If we want to get rid of problems like osteoporosis or arthritis tomorrow, then we should start focusing on some things from now.

Therefore, here is a list of all the foods that you should limit to maintain your bone health:
1. Limit salt intake
 If you do not like to eat a faded meal, add a pinch of salt to it. But make sure that you do not add too much salt. Salt has high amounts of sodium content, which can wreak havoc on your bone density. It emits more calcium in the kidneys and is not a good sign. 
A study conducted by the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition has observed that people who consume more salt have lower bone density.

 Now a question comes to our mind that how much salt consumed in a day will actually be right for us? According to the American Heart Association, a healthy person should consume less than 3.75 grams of salt a day.

2. Remove Caffeine
 If you love morning tea or coffee, then you need to rethink it. Many people do not know that caffeine extracts calcium from your bones. A study published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorder states that caffeine is the main cause of low bone density in women.

3. Drinks filled with gas
 Never befriend aerated drinks if you want to adopt a healthy lifestyle. They not only increase the amount of soda in your body, but also play a huge role in fracturing your bones. Do you know that your favorite cola is rich in phosphoric acid, which increases the blood acid in your body.
Due to this, blood starts to expel calcium from your bones. The study was published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, that if drinking cola is part of your lifestyle, then you are at greater risk of developing bone-related disorders.

4. Foods that cause bone inflammation
 Little do you know that tomatoes, mushrooms, brinjals and sweet potatoes are some of the vegetables that cause inflammation in bones. If you do not consume them all the time, then there is nothing to worry about. Also, stay away from canned or processed foods, as they are responsible for inflammation of bones.

5. Drink alcohol sparingly
 Consuming more alcohol is not a good idea anyway, but pay attention to how it damages the health of your bones.
Many people do not know that alcohol causes the function of bone-developing cells called osteoblasts, due to which calcium is not absorbed properly by your bones. Also, if you are suffering from a fracture, it delays the healing process.

 Although it does not happen overnight, but today it is important that we stop consuming these foods for our bone health. Prevention is always better than cure.


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