Health Tips: Want to get rid of joint pain, then include these foods in your diet

Health Tips: In Arthritis, there are all the Joint parts of the body like knee, elbow, waist, heel, there is unbearable pain in all those places. This pain is caused by the weakening of bones. So let us talk about some special diet to alleviate the pain caused by it.

Due to the lifestyle of today, due to not being able to pay proper attention to proper eating and physical activity, the joints become weak and problems of pain begin. All the joint parts in the body like knee, elbow, waist, heel are unbearable pain in all those places and this unbearable pain breaks the whole body. In such a situation, you need to pay special attention to your diet. For this, there are some diets that help in relieving joint pain. So let's know in detail about such diets.

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Ginger intake
We regularly consume ginger in our rough foods. At the same time, many people also consume ginger through tea. In fact, the consumption of ginger reduces the level of prostaglandin in the body, which acts actively in relieving the pain caused by arthritis. Therefore, people suffering from the pain of arthritis must take ginger regularly.

Fish intake
Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats, which are very beneficial for joints. Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent bone fractures. Apart from this, omega 3 fatty acids are needed to improve blood circulation and also provide relief in osteoarthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids are obtained from sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds and small fish.

Intake of potato juice
People who consume potato juice are left with the problem of Arthritis. Potato juice has the property of expelling uric acid from the body. Therefore, people who are struggling with this problem, by consuming potato juice regularly, they can get relief to a great extent from the pain caused by arthritis.

Intake of broccoli
Protein, calcium, carbohydrates, iron, vitamins A and C, chromium are found in large amounts in broccoli. Apart from this, it is full of phytochemicals and antioxidants. People who have arthritis, eating broccoli can benefit their health. A research has found that the compound element called sulforaphane present in broccoli can reduce the damage of bones in joints responsible for arthritis in bones.

Intake of oranges
Vitamin-C is rich in antioxidants, it is not only helpful in improving the immune system but is also important in maintaining the health of the joints. It also plays an important role in the manufacture of vitamin cartilage. Iron is found most in vitamin C, so it maintains the amount of iron in the body. Mint, pineapple, seasonal and watermelon are also good sources of vitamin C.
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Almond consumption
Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin. It also acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin E is very beneficial in the formation of collagen and preventing bone breakdown. Therefore, you should include vitamin E rich things like sweet potato, avocado, almond etc. in your food.

Intake of olive oil
The anti-inflammatory properties present in olives are attributed to oleic acid. In which polyphenols and omega-3 fatty acids are both types of anti-oxidants. It is beneficial to eat olive oil.

Turmeric intake
People who consume turmeric regularly avoid the problem of arthritis. Turmeric is found to have a beneficial element called curcumin which works to reduce inflammation on joints. You can also heat turmeric and apply it on the painful area. This will give you relief from its pain.

Intake of garlic
Garlic is very helpful in reducing the side effects of arthritis. Because garlic has anti inflammatory and pain relieving properties. This property is believed to be quite effective for reducing inflammation in arthritis. For this reason, people who are suffering from arthritis, do not forget to include garlic in your diet.

Thanks for reading this we hope this will help you.


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