These 5 natural medicines are effective in enhancing facial beauty, know how to use

Skincare Tips: Ayurveda has also considered honey beneficial for the skin. Those people who are troubled by dry skin, they must use honey
Skincare Routine: People make all efforts to keep the face sharp. From expensive beauty products to parlor costs. However, their effect on the face is transient. As long as you keep using them, the glow on your face remains intact. But these skin products contain harmful chemicals, which gradually damage the skin cells. In such a case, excessive use of these products is also harmful. But everyone wants a glowing skin. In order to keep the skin better, its care is very important. In this case, let us know some household products which are no less than a panacea for the skin.
Lemon: Lemon contains anti-oxidants which have a magical effect on the skin. Also, it contains ascorvic acid which acts to enhance the radiance of the face. The elements present in lemons also act as bleaching agents for the skin. In this case, apply its juice on the face for some time and after drying, wash face with plain water.
Honey: Ayurveda has also considered honey beneficial for the skin. Those people who are troubled by dry skin, must use honey. Applying olive oil i.e. olive oil to honey improves the complexion of the face and also brings back the lost glow.
Aloe vera: Pimple, dark spots or tanning, aloe vera is considered the solution to almost all skin problems. Those who desire glowing skin should also use aloe vera gel. First of all apply this gel well on your face. Then, when it dries completely, clean the face with lukewarm water.
 Malai: People who will remember the tips of grandmother and grandmother even today, they will surely be aware of how beneficial it is to use cream on the face. If you want to keep away from shiny skin and spots, then mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder and one-fourth teaspoon of rose water in one spoon of cream and lightly massage the face with face. After leaving for some time, wash the face with lukewarm water or fresh water.
 Tomatoes: Anti-oxidants rich tomatoes provide many nutrients to the face. Cut the tomatoes from the middle and massage them with both pieces on the face. Then leave for 10 minutes and after that clean the face with fresh water. Lastly do not forget to apply moisturizer.


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