These 6 things are considered superfood in Ayurveda, to be healthy, definitely include diet.

How many supplements you take to stay healthy or many people also eat vitamin pills, but prolonged use of such things can cause problems. Today we are telling you such things, which according to Ayurveda are considered superfoods. No matter how much healthy diet you consume, but without these things your immunity cannot be strong. Come, know which are those superfoods-

Desi Ghee
 Ayurveda recognizes desi ghee as a superfood. According to Ayurveda, the consumption of desi ghee is very important for the body. Along with improving the digestive system, it also works to remove toxic substances from the body.

 There are many reasons for including turmeric in your daily diet, from being a good antioxidant to having anti-bacterial and anti-fungal-like properties. Turmeric has been used in many medicines since ancient times.

Lukewarm water
 Drinking lukewarm water in the morning on an empty stomach has many benefits. This not only keeps your stomach clean but also detoxes your body. To make the skin naturally beautiful, lukewarm water should be used.

 According to Ayurveda, consumption of hot milk is beneficial for health. Cold milk is a little harder to digest. Drinking lukewarm or warm milk before going to bed at night, along with good sleep, the digestive system is also fine.

 Lemon is helpful in maintaining the pH level of our body at the right level. At the same time, lemon contains minerals like iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and zinc, which cater to different needs of the body.

 Consuming ginger is very beneficial to avoid infection and to increase the body's immunity. Eating ginger works to improve digestive system and also relieve women from menstrual pain.


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